chocolate solution

chocolate solution

How do you get to Wendys castle in the chocolate world in super mario world super mario advance 2?

How do you get to Wendys castle in the chocolate world in super mario world super mario advance 2?

Q :
A : This cheat site indicates it thru Vanilla Dome 4
I suggest that you ask in the game section and do a search for more hints or a video walk through

How much is chocolate at Chocolate World in Hershey?

Q : Does anyone know the price of a regular chocolate bar in Hershey?
Like this...
because I'm going there soon.
Is it expensive and about how much money should I bring?
A : You must definitely crave a lot chocolate bars if you're asking this

What is the smoothest chocolate in the world?

Q : Like the chocolate with the smallest particle size. What is it? Sources please.
A : I grew up with Hershey's, then I had Cadbury's. Quelle difference! Hershey's is grainy by comparison. Cadbury is so creamy that a big mouthful is hard to manage. The smoothest in the world? This is determined by conching (grinding of the beans), and there's no point in conching beyond a reasonable degree of smoothness. No se.

What is the best tasting chocolate in the world?

Q : What is the best tasting chocolate in the world? How much is it and where can i find it?
A : Callebault chocolate.

Bernard Callebault is one of the best choolatiers in the world and has the awards to prove it.

How do you get to Wendys castle in the chocolate world in super mario world super mario advance 2? » chocolate world » chocolate world

When substituting unsweetened chocolate cubes for cocoa, does one grate the cubes or melt them?

When substituting unsweetened chocolate cubes for cocoa, does one grate the cubes or melt them?

Q : Thank you so very much Serena.
This is my first time making a chocolate cake with mayonnaise and chocolate cubes rather than cocoa.
I appreciate your help immensely!
Many thanks from Toronto, Canada!
Thank you too Dune.
A double boiler for chocolate melting is important.
Much love!
A : Melt the unsweetened chocolate squares for use, but don't forget to reduce the other fat in the recipe.

1 square (1 ounce) unsweetened chocolate = 3 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa powder + 1 Tbs. oil/butter/shortening

How do I sweeten unsweetened chocolate?

Q : I'm trying to make vegan treats for my friend but the only milkless chocolate they had at the store was unsweetened chocolate. I've been adding sugar but it doesn't seem to be working. How can I sweeten it without using milk?
A : If you have confectioners sugar (powdered) add it a teaspoon at a time to the unsweetened chocolate until it tastes sweet enough. If you don't have powdered sugar you can use regular granulated sugar but you will have to put some in a cup or something and then using a spoon grind the sugar against the side of the cup until the sugar breaks up and becomes finer. The chocolate and sugar will readily mix together once the two are nearly the same consistency.The sugar and cocoa MUST be combined while dry or else they will seperate when moisure is added.

A brownie recipe calls for unsweetened chocolate but could I use chocolate chips instead?

Q : Also, if the recipe calls for 2 ounces of unsweetened chocolate how much would that be in mL/cups in chocolate chips? Thanks!
A : Not reliably, no. There is a distinct differenced in taste between unsweetened baking chocolate (100% cacao solids) and chocolate chips (really good ones are 65% cacao solids at best - the rest is various additives.) Also, the sugar content of the chocolate chips will change the basic chemistry of the recipe.

You could substitute chocolate chips in a brownie recipe that called for "semi-sweet chocolate."

how do I use an unsweetened chocolate baking bar in a recipe?

Q : I have an unsweetened bar of Sharfenberger baking chocolate. Almost every recipe I have uses cocoa POWDER . Do I just break off an equal amount of baking bar and add the melted chocolate in place of the powder?
Clare, if I use the bar then I need to reduce the fat I add by the amont I'd have added if I used cocoa powder? Thanks!
I dont think I can use the bar in place of chips..the bar is 95% cacao it says on the I gotta use sugar to sweeten it!
A : no. if you need powder, you need powder. with baking, recipes are formulas and you need to consider liquid, fat, leavening and caramelization of all the ingredients. Save the block for when you need chips or melted chocolate and buy some powder for these recipes.

When substituting unsweetened chocolate cubes for cocoa, does one grate the cubes or melt them? » unsweetened chocolate » unsweetened chocolate

Is Pittsburgh famous for chocolate covered pretzels?

Is Pittsburgh famous for chocolate covered pretzels?

Q : I visited there from Boston a couple weeks ago, and they were selling them everywhere.
A : No

Chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate is always too soft?

Q : Whenever I melt semi-sweet chocolate chips for anything (this time it happened to be chocolate covered pretzles), I add oil because this is what my mom always did. She always told me this keeps the chocolate from burning and getting clumpy. Problem is no matter how cold it gets or how long I leave it to set, it still is REALLY soft and melts all over your hands! Am I adding too much oil? Do I even need to ~add~ oil when melting chocolate?
A : You don't need to temper semi-sweet chocolate. In most grocery stores they have a chocolate bark you can buy and it's perfect for chocolate covered pretzels. My son made these when he was in school and sold them. He used the pretzel rods. It's about $2.79 for a block of this bark. Look for it in your cake mix area.

when cooking chocolate covered pretzels, what do you do if the chocolate turns into a paste?

Q : the dark chocolate turned out fine but the white turned pastey.
do i add something?
A : That chocolate seized on you, add just a little whole milk, not lowfat, not skim, not 2% , whole milk over a very low heat and bring the temp back up to a minimum of 90 degrees. 90 degrees? my thermometer doesn't go that low, stick you finger in it and if you feel a little heat you've made it to at least 98.6

How can I make Chocolate Covered Pretzels without a double boiler?

Q : I would like to make chocolate covered pretzels for a party tomorrow, but all recipes are calling for a double boiler, but I do not have one. I was wondering how to make them without a double boiler.

Thanks In Advance!!
A : You can melt the chocolate in the microwave very slowly but I've never had much success with that. What I would do is heat water in a saucepan and put a metal bowl over the top of it to melt the chocolate in. You can get a metal bowl at one of those dollar stores if you don't have one. This is in effect a makeshift double boiler. Good luck, sounds yummy!

Is Pittsburgh famous for chocolate covered pretzels? » chocolate covered pretzels » chocolate covered pretzels

Xocai Chocolate? Is it really good for you?

Xocai Chocolate? Is it really good for you?

Q : How do you like it and what are the actual scientific/proven health values of eating it?
A : well if it's basicaly chocholate here you are, don't be fool by the trademark.

Cocoa appears to have anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. And cocoa is a good source of the minerals magnesium, sulphur, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, and manganese; plus some of the B Vitamins.

Fresh cocoa beans are super-rich in the type of bioflavonoid called flavanols which are strong antioxidants that help maintain healthy blood flow and blood pressure. The heart-healthy flavanols in cocoa, especially the epicatechins, prevent fatty substances in the bloodstream from oxidizing and then clogging the arteries.

Flavanols help make blood platelets less likely to stick together and cause blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes - without the negative side effects associated with the use of aspirin (ASA) and other pharmaceutical blood-thinners.

Cocoa beans contain 10,000 milligrams (10 grams) of flavanol antioxidants per 100 grams - or an amazing 10% antioxidant concentration level! When it comes to supplying your body with effective antioxidants, no other natural food can even come close. No exotic super-fruit like Acai berries, no high-antioxidant fruits like prunes or blueberries, and no vegetables. The antioxidants in cocoa are easily absorbed by the human body, and are more stable and long-lasting than those in any other foods.

Cocoa also contains the amino acid Tryptophan which makes the neurotransmitter known as serotonin, which promotes positive feelings and helps keep us from feeling depressed. Cocoa contains the neurotransmitters dopamine, and phenylethylamine (PEA), and contains anandamide and MAO Inhibitors - which make this heart-healthy food a healthy food for the brain too.

Phenylethylamine (PEA) helps promote mental alertness and the ability to concentrate. The PEA in healthy chocolate can be of help to students taking tests, and to senior citizens who want to retain the mental capacity of a younger person and postpone the onset of dementia.

Studies have indicated that consuming dark chocolate produced an increased sensitivity to insulin (which indicates a protective effect against diabetes).

While you may have believed that cocoa and chocolate were "bad for you", the truth is that THE RIGHT KIND OF CHOCOLATE provides many health benefits that make it not only "good for you" but better for your body than most of the fruits and vegetables your mother made you eat when you were a child.

Eating a healthy dark chocolate provides a sweet, sensual, sin-free pleasure, as well as some significant health benefits. A heart-felt gift of healthy dark chocolate to a loved one offers a heart-warming, delightfully delicious treat, as well as a super heart-healthy food that promotes a longer and healthier life.

If the pharmaceutical industry managed to produce a patented product that offered all the health benefits of cocoa, they would likely proclaim it a "miracle drug"! But since cocoa is widely available, is relatively inexpensive, and does not require you to pay for a doctor's prescription nor pay fees to a dispensing pharmacy, you are not likely to hear many members of the medical establishment recommending chocolate for its many health benefits.

You may also be surprised to learn that dark chocolate can help you lose weight! Because it has appetite-suppressant properties, cocoa is often added to weight loss products to help control hunger.

While you may have been told that chocolate is "fattening", the truth is that the fats found in cocoa butter are actually healthy fats! Cacao contains oleic acid, a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat which is also found in olive oil and is believed to raise the level of the "good cholesterol" known as HDL cholesterol (the acronym HDL stands for "High Density Lipid").

Healthy chocolate can be of great benefit to tobacco smokers - but not just because they need lots of the antioxidants which neutralize the free radicals generated by the toxic compounds in tobacco smoke. A recent study in Switzerland indicated that dark chocolate may help prevent hardening of the arteries.

A 2006 clinical study by Swiss researchers found that within minutes of consuming dark chocolate, their test group of 20 smokers experienced a significant improvement in the function of the endothelial cells which line the artery walls. Smoking tobacco has long been linked to hardening of the arteries and an increase in the production of clot-forming platelets in the blood.

Raw cocoa beans contain over 300 chemically identifiable compounds. This makes cocoa one of the most complex food substances on Earth!

Are Xocai chocolates realy the BEST health-wise and taste-wise?

Q : Please, only non-distributors, and not related to any distributors. If you answer "no" to the question, please tell me what is then.
A : xocai contains all natural, unprocessed chocolate which has 100% of its antioxidant and nutritional value. Xocai has the full antioxidant capacity of dark chocolate without the fat, wax, fillers, preservatives and high sugar content normally associated with chocolate.

So the answer is YES!

Xocai chocolate? Is Xocai really good chocolate?

Q : Just wondering what you guys think about Xocai chocolate? Supposedly Xocai is like really healthy and easy to make money with?
A : Yeah, Dude!

It's basically the healthiest thing you can stick into your body. Plus you can earn up to 50% commission. Thats why some people are making bank on it.

Have you tasted Xocai chocolate yet?

Q : Love it or Hate it?
A : i havent tried it yet~

Xocai Chocolate? Is it really good for you? » xocai chocolate » xocai chocolate

I want some chocolate pizza, how do I make it?

I want some chocolate pizza, how do I make it?

Q : Do you think I could use Nutella?
yum yum eagle eye!
A : What a great idea you had, I also had this idea and pulled up a recipe online from google, and all I can say is wow perfection. The pizza came out great I think I might make another one next week if I can wait that long. Here is the recipe that I used to make it below. Glad I could answer your question.

All Recipes - Chocolate Pizza:

How do i find chocolate pizza?

Q : I am looking for a picture of cartoon picture of Chocolate pizza to post on the homepage of my website. Plz provide a link so i can have a picture. Thanks so much!! :)
A :

How do I make a candy/ chocolate pizza?

Q : I want to use cookie dough for crust and chocolate syrup, m&m's, chocolate chips, sprinkles, caramel sauce, and jelly beans. How do I make it?
A : Agree

How do you get a free Chocolate from Pizza Hut?

Q : I saw a commercial for a free Chocolate phone from Pizza Hut if you buy a pizza. Does anyone know the catch?
A : um the way u get the chocolate phone is that it's free but the twist is that you have to do a verizon plan on it but the phone is free and they send it to you in like 72 hours i think at least thats what they told me. all you do is call the number on the back or go online.

I want some chocolate pizza, how do I make it? » chocolate pizza » chocolate pizza

How much chocolate is wasted because the tips break off of Hershey Kisses when they are unwrapped?

How much chocolate is wasted because the tips break off of Hershey Kisses when they are unwrapped?

Q : At least half of the time, the pointy tip breaks off and falls to the ground or inside the wrapper where it gets discarded. This must add up to a significant number, right?
A : Yes, but I don't think it would be a lot. But definitely enough to fill my 20X15 bedroom!

how to coat chocolate cookies without wasting lots of chocolate? or making too much of a mess?

Q : i am making alfajores which are 2 cookie piecs sandwiched together with a sweet filling. i coat them in chocolate. but im wondering if there is an easier way than doing it by hand, because it is soooo messy.
A : Paint on the melted choc with a pastry brush?

Are the nuts in caramel chocolates a waste of space?

Q : No one really likes them yet they take up valuable caramel space!
A : i like them-they dont take up that much space

In A Grown Ups Trailer, Does the Little Girl Say "Chocolate Wasted" or "Chocolatey Wasted?

Q : Me and my brother are having a debate about it. I bet my Aviator glasses and he bet $10.
A : Here's the clip (just of that scene) she says "Chocolate Wasted" but she does say chocolate a bit weird. Sorry to whoever lost.

How much chocolate is wasted because the tips break off of Hershey Kisses when they are unwrapped? » chocolate wasted » chocolate wasted