chocolate solution

chocolate solution

Why are chocolate covered apples which often don't have any caramel within 10ft of them called caramel apples?

Why are chocolate covered apples which often don't have any caramel within 10ft of them called caramel apples?

Q : Do they not realize or care that it's false advertising and that consumers do know they're lying?
A : someone keeps buying them so there gonna keep selling

how should i make and store caramel chocolate covered apples?

Q : Im attending a quince in about four weeks and i was asked to make candy apples with caramel and white chocolate. I have never made them before and plus i need to make them a day before and transport them about 200 miles to the party so i also need to know how to store them after they are prepared so there not melting everywhere. Thank you to anyone who can help
A : The best carmel are the candies in the square shape. The old time carmels. They are the best when melted down over a double boiler, do not melt over direct heat or they will scorch and become impossible to use. Lay out a piece of wax paper. Just melt the candies, stick a cold apple in and twirl it around and lay on the wax paper. The same with the chocolate but you are going to want chocolate used for candies, not just baking chocolate, it will not harden up like you need it to. To transport, I would use a cooler and chill the cooler itself before transporting. If you have to wrap them, which I dont recommend, but if you have to, spray some wax paper with cooking spray (unflavored of course) and wrap them lightly in paper. Make sure to chill them immediately so they dont get sticky. Good luck!!

Why do candy shops call chocolate covered apples 'caramel apples' when most don't have any caramel on them?

Q : Also, when did chocolate covered apples come into vogue and why are they so much more popular than regular caramel apples? You can find chocolate covered apples nearly everywhere but finding a plain caramel apple (with no peanuts even) is like finding a needle in a haystack unless you make them yourself.
A : Maybe the chocolate ones are not bought because they are nasty.

Why do so many places call them caramel apples when they're covered in chocolate?

Q : Why not call them chocolate covered apples instead? And many of those that are called caramel don't have any caramel under the chocolate.
Stores like Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for example. I was looking online for plain caramel apples last year and couldn't find hardly anywhere that didn't have them covered in chocolate.
I've also noticed that unless you make them yourself, you can't find them without nuts either. And many people anymore are allergic to nuts.
A : Hello:

I have noticed the same things with on-line food sites or even in our local grocery stores,they are hardly ever carrying the caramel apples anymore,just apples that are dipped in chocolate and nuts. I grew up on a caramel apple being just that,an apple dipped in caramel and you could add nuts to it if you wanted,but it wasn't mandatory.

When I want a caramel apple,that is what I want,not something that is covered with chocolate and covered with sprinkles or crushed Oreo cookies!

Why are chocolate covered apples which often don't have any caramel within 10ft of them called caramel apples? » chocolate covered apples » chocolate covered apples
Why are chocolate covered apples which often don't have any caramel within 10ft of them called caramel apples? Reviewed by chocolateblogs on Minggu, 07 Juli 2013 Rating: 5
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