chocolate solution

chocolate solution

Where can I buy Xocai chocolate in the UK?

Where can I buy Xocai chocolate in the UK?

Q : I did ask before, but obviously at the wrong time!
A : Sure ya can, right here ::

What is the patent number for the Xocai healthy chocolate cold pressing process?

Q : Apparently the patent is held by the manufacturer. Can anyone find the patent number for me? It isn't printed on the boxes. Thanks if you can help!
A : If you know where the patent was registered, you can get the registration number from the local patent office

Xocai "Healthy Chocolate" Where to buy - Does it taste good?

Q : I am considering entering the retail business, buying and selling Xocai Chocolates. Does anyone have experience selling this product? Good / Bad? Any distributors other than the main company? The BIG question... Does it taste like health / diet food or does it resemble the taste of the chocolate we are all acustomed to?

A : waste of money tastes like dump

Anybody out there sell Xocai Healthy Chocolate? Is this like an Amway thing?

Q : I just had a friend present me with the opportunity to sell this chocolate. . .any of you heard of this or done this? I'm pretty skeptical at this point. Thoughts?
A : I commend you for being proactive and attempting to diversify (everyone should be). I don't know much about Xocai, but if you are looking for an alternative stream of income outside of your current job responsibilities, which obviously you are if you are considering an MLM such as Xocai, I would caution you about investing your time and money into something with a single (or very few) products.

Especially in the economic situation we find ourselves in, as wages and employment drop, so does passive income. When it comes down to someone making a choice between consumables (things you NEED) vs. high end healthy chocolate, the chocolate (or juice, or vitamin, or video phone service, etc) will lose every time.

Better to invest time and money into something that doesn't have an 86% attrition (failure) rate.

Keep looking, there are better opportunities out there.

Where can I buy Xocai chocolate in the UK? » xocai chocolate » xocai chocolate
Where can I buy Xocai chocolate in the UK? Reviewed by chocolateblogs on Minggu, 07 Juli 2013 Rating: 5
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