chocolate solution

chocolate solution

When substituting unsweetened chocolate cubes for cocoa, does one grate the cubes or melt them?

When substituting unsweetened chocolate cubes for cocoa, does one grate the cubes or melt them?

Q : Thank you so very much Serena.
This is my first time making a chocolate cake with mayonnaise and chocolate cubes rather than cocoa.
I appreciate your help immensely!
Many thanks from Toronto, Canada!
Thank you too Dune.
A double boiler for chocolate melting is important.
Much love!
A : Melt the unsweetened chocolate squares for use, but don't forget to reduce the other fat in the recipe.

1 square (1 ounce) unsweetened chocolate = 3 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa powder + 1 Tbs. oil/butter/shortening

How do I sweeten unsweetened chocolate?

Q : I'm trying to make vegan treats for my friend but the only milkless chocolate they had at the store was unsweetened chocolate. I've been adding sugar but it doesn't seem to be working. How can I sweeten it without using milk?
A : If you have confectioners sugar (powdered) add it a teaspoon at a time to the unsweetened chocolate until it tastes sweet enough. If you don't have powdered sugar you can use regular granulated sugar but you will have to put some in a cup or something and then using a spoon grind the sugar against the side of the cup until the sugar breaks up and becomes finer. The chocolate and sugar will readily mix together once the two are nearly the same consistency.The sugar and cocoa MUST be combined while dry or else they will seperate when moisure is added.

A brownie recipe calls for unsweetened chocolate but could I use chocolate chips instead?

Q : Also, if the recipe calls for 2 ounces of unsweetened chocolate how much would that be in mL/cups in chocolate chips? Thanks!
A : Not reliably, no. There is a distinct differenced in taste between unsweetened baking chocolate (100% cacao solids) and chocolate chips (really good ones are 65% cacao solids at best - the rest is various additives.) Also, the sugar content of the chocolate chips will change the basic chemistry of the recipe.

You could substitute chocolate chips in a brownie recipe that called for "semi-sweet chocolate."

how do I use an unsweetened chocolate baking bar in a recipe?

Q : I have an unsweetened bar of Sharfenberger baking chocolate. Almost every recipe I have uses cocoa POWDER . Do I just break off an equal amount of baking bar and add the melted chocolate in place of the powder?
Clare, if I use the bar then I need to reduce the fat I add by the amont I'd have added if I used cocoa powder? Thanks!
I dont think I can use the bar in place of chips..the bar is 95% cacao it says on the I gotta use sugar to sweeten it!
A : no. if you need powder, you need powder. with baking, recipes are formulas and you need to consider liquid, fat, leavening and caramelization of all the ingredients. Save the block for when you need chips or melted chocolate and buy some powder for these recipes.

When substituting unsweetened chocolate cubes for cocoa, does one grate the cubes or melt them? » unsweetened chocolate » unsweetened chocolate
When substituting unsweetened chocolate cubes for cocoa, does one grate the cubes or melt them? Reviewed by chocolateblogs on Senin, 08 Juli 2013 Rating: 5
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